
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Children's art

I thought I'd put up some of previous artwork bit by bit. Since my sister is due with my first nephew in just a few weeks, I thought I'd start with children's art! Ironically, I don't have a picture of his name design that I made for his nusery! As soon as I can get my hands on one, I'll add it. So, let's get this things started!

Here is a princess castle for Mackayla's room. She hangs all of her princess outfits under it! So cute!
The next few are from my niece's nurserys! Here are Mallory's letters for her room.

And the canvas over her crib.
Here's one for Alyssa. They both matched their beddings.

This is Phoebe's frog!
Aaaaahhhh, the stools! I love the stools because they are a joint project with Big A and I. He is a master craftsman :) and loves to build! We talk about design, I draw a picture, and he whips up these bad boys! We've had the joy to make one for his best friend's son, Anthony, who's still a bit small, but has something to aspire to, and for Mallory and Alyssa.
I love the kid stuff! It's so fun to personalize things! Please feel free to email me if you are interested in pricing for a stool, or any other custom order!!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Here are a few things I've been working on. This first one is the example for my Gallery 116 class! I'm pretty excited, though, because I think the next class we will be making the journal!!!
This is my "Favorite Things" assignment that the 8th grade teacher gave. I did it for fun :) I listed all of my favorite things, some of which included Big A, fall, chocolate, the smell of bon fire, Ugg boots, and leg warmers :) Obviously, I went with candy! It's not quite finished, there will be legs on my little Lemon Drop guy with the snow cone head up in the corner!
This was just another fun one. The picture is weird, and it's kind of hard to see, but it was just a crazy page!
This is what's going on in my sketchbook right now. I'll keep you posted! In other news, I found this awesome Fabric Art book at Goodwill this weekend! It was copyrighted in 1969, and it's awesome!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Business Cards!

Y'all, I am SO excited! I have just ordered my very own business cards! The new background on my heading is the background on the card! After much work on the picture, I LOVE the way it turned out! I am thinking that these glasses may end up being rather iconic ;)

I've had a lot of comments on my glasses. I get a lot of, "Wow, your glasses are really blue!" to "I like your glasses. Not many people can pull off a color, but you can." Lol, I know that they can be a bit suprising when you first see them, but I love them!!! Anyways, I just had to post that I will finally have my business cards in about a week!

I've got a few pictures that I'm going to post of just some sketchbook assignments that I've been doing with the kids. I'll try to get them up tomorrow after the pig roast at church!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Enter: Kelly

Hello! I am so thrilled Big A, my manager/husband :), has been working so hard to help me get my business up and running! I've had a lot of great experiences recently, and I am trying to run through as many open doors as possible! So far, I am working on my Etsy page, so hopefully I will have a link for you soon. I am designing my business card, creating this fun blog, and will hopefully have some of my work in local stores very soon!

Just this week I started my first class at Gallery 116 here in town. I had a turn out of 8, which maxed out my class!!! The ladies had a great time, and this was some of the finished products:

I am so excited about everything that is happening right now, and will do my best to keep you updated on my creations!