
Friday, October 9, 2009

Oil Paintings

Whew! What a week! The gloomy weather, dreary days, and insane amount of rain has really taken a toll on me! I am a sunshine person. I feel blissfull in the rays, and am energized by the brightness. As fall is arriving, I am still waiting for the gorgeous stained glasses-esq leaves that will transform into vibrant beauty. In the mean time, the cloudy days are making it hard to get out of bed!
School is about to get busy as we are entering into the 2nd 9 weeks of school. I have 1 week left with my current kiddos, and I must say, I am really going to miss them when they leave!!!!

In keeping with showing off more of my work, here are a few of my oil paintings. Most of these were done through college, grad school, and somewhat recently.

I love. Love. LOVE Mini Coopers! They are just so cute and sassy!!! I adore this painting, and will find it hard to part with it!
This is my parent's 25th wedding anniversary gift. Yes, it is not supposed to have faces. That's the beauty of it! It's also a theme you might continue to see... :)
This next one is hanging at the top of our stairs! THIS is the fall that I am looking forward to!
I painted this portrait of my Grandpa and he bought it from me! For an artist in college, that was a HUGE deal to me, plus the honor of painting my Grandpa and him acknowledging me as a "real" artist! It's called "Joy," which completely sums up my Grandpa. And yes, he really does have that much hair. He's where I get my curls from! :D
And the dominos. A still life project, and a reflection of my family's love for games!
In other news, I'm hopefully going to be hanging some stuff in a local cafe. If you've never been to Tulip Noir for brunch, you need to go!!! They have amazing Eggs Benedict!
I also had another class at Gallery 116 this week, and Maria, Megan and I had a great time creating! Please come check us out!


  1. WONDERFUL!!! How sweet-the painting of your grandpa!!! I LOVE THE FALL PAINTING!! Oh and I <3 mini coopers!

  2. Kelly! Hi! It was really fun to see a comment on our blog and have a suprise visitor. I love your art, it makes me miss art. I truely love painting and pottery and haven't done either in a really long time. My choice of careers led me on a different path but I try to keep my creative mind alive with crafts. I'm now keeping up with your blog and can't wait to see your etsy shop...I love Etsy!!! Well I'd love to talk to you more so feel free to email me or something. ~Brianna

  3. ahhh! I love mini coopers! and those paintings are great- i really like the painting with the fall leaves and walk-way. awesome!
