
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Growth Chart

Today was my friend Megan's little girl's 1st Birthday party!!! It was cupcake themed, and super cute! Avery looked adorable in her princess cupcake dress, and really got into her presents and her first taste of cake!!! We had a great time celebrating this occasion! I can't believe it's been a year since we first met Avery Kate at the hospital!!!

I made them a growth chart so they can document all of the big steps they'll have as she grows up!!!
Happy Birthday, Miss Avery!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Kel!!!! Just when I think you cannot do another amazing work of produce yet one more incredible piece!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! One of my favorite gifts was when Allison was 1 year old and she received a growth packed away in one of our many boxes. It is just a fun fun thing to have and do with your children as they grow. You are so very creative! Thank you for sharing your talent with allofus! I am so very proud of you!!! Love, mom oxoxoxo
