
Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you had a wonderful celebration of our Savior's birth! What a joyful season!!!

I am so sorry for my lack of updating. The end of the first semester is always a busy one. This year, however, was easier that past years, and I've actually been creating during my Christmas break!

Big A and I were able to finish many Christmas orders, which included 2 aprons, 2 stools, a scarf, and a plaque painting! Here is my friend Susan Jablonski's mother in law in her apron! She looks adorable in it!!! Yay!!!
I will have pictures of the other products soon. I am also working on some necklaces and charms in addition to my aprons so I can hopefully get them to Gallery 116 soon!

This week we are leaving for Big A's family's house in Louisiana. We are spending New Years with them, so I thought I would go ahead and post some of my resolutions for 2010!
*Get my Etsy page up and running comfortably.
*Sew and make aprons, onsies, and other fun things!
*Create unique charms and necklaces.
*Make more growth charts, door hangings, and name designs.
*Create more journal pages, experimenting with new styles, mediums, and techniques.
*Convince Big A to get me a YuDu home screen printing system!
*Finally get a booth at the Freedom Festival, or any other Art Fair. I've been wanting to do this for years!!! I just need to make enough inventory to justify the fees! :)
*Do as many art workshops as possible...there are places in Tennessee and Washington that I would love to go to!!!
*Do a Give Away to boost more readers on this blog!!!

Well, those are my crafty goals!!! What are your New Year Creation Resolutions?


  1. Good list!! Hope you have a wonderful NEW YEAR!!

    Hmm....I would like to do more baking and cake decorating
    Make and sell some more of my aprons
    Sew a lot more- My grandma gave me a sewing machine today!! YAY!!!

  2. Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my blog!! I am very excited about my sewing machine!! It used to be my grandmas, (the kind that is built into a desk.) so hopefully I will get a lot of use out of it!! I cant wait to make aprons, I think my first sewing project will go to my grandma.

    Ok this is really random, but I just got back from Bath and Body works, and they are having a really good sale! If you have any time I would suggest you check it out!!
