
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Coming Soon!

I apologize for my recent absence! Finishing up the end of the school year is always busy, and especially this year with the preparations for the baby! ...Have I mentioned that I'm pregnant?! I don't think so! Well, come August I will have my greatest creation ever! ;)

I've been working on these pieces, and am really on a roll! Some of these are finished as is, and a few of them still have one more piece to add. I will post pictures of those when I am done.
I've always been a huge fan of texture and have enjoyed experimenting with it! The pine cones are my favorites :D
This piece below is gorgeous as well.
I love the shape of the wood, and it's hard to tell in the picture, but the paint has a very iridescent feel to it.


  1. These are great! I also like texture. I cannot wait until I have more time this summer to work on art. I have also been busy finishing up the school year. Congrats on the baby!

  2. Love ALL of these! You are so creative Kel! The Best thing is always your excitment over your art, your vision, and your love for color! Great Job! Happy Memorial Day! Love, mom oxoxoxo

  3. Kel...typing while feeding...but I LOVE the bottom one. Beautiful!
