
Monday, December 20, 2010

tie onsies

My little sister will be having her little boy very soon now! So, of course we had to make sure that Pax would be GQ-ing it straight out of the womb! :D She picked out some fabric and we transformed his little onsies!
This second fabric will match one of his Daddy's ties, so now they can be matching studs! I thought the bow ties were pretty cute too! I feel like he'll need a little pair of suspenders and a pipe! :D

I thought they were so cute that I stole some of the fabric and made a coordinating onsie for Tucker! The boys will look so cute!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sketchbook pages

Sorry for the delay in updates! Having a 3 1/2 month old leaves me little time to work on things, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
So, Mom and I have been working feverishly on our sketchbooks...and by Mom and I, I mean, Mom. She's almost DONE! The woman has 2 pages left in her book!!! We put the cover on her sb today, and it looks absolutely amazing!

I was able to work on and finish a few pages that I had started, which was a great accomplishment for me! I finally remembered to take some pictures of our work, so here we go! The first set are mine:

I always love working with Mom. It's just nice to be in the creative flow with someone else, and today we had an extra little helper!
The little guy was a great encourager, and keeper of the crafts :D
I'm not sure how Mom is so far in this book, she kept getting distracted by this handsome little face ;)
But really, her pages are AMAZING! Here are some of my favorites from Mom's book:

Also, I'd like to say hello to all of you who visited my site as a result of my Give Away over at So You Think You're Crafty! Please leave me a comment to let me know you were here!