
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sketchbook pages

Sorry for the delay in updates! Having a 3 1/2 month old leaves me little time to work on things, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
So, Mom and I have been working feverishly on our sketchbooks...and by Mom and I, I mean, Mom. She's almost DONE! The woman has 2 pages left in her book!!! We put the cover on her sb today, and it looks absolutely amazing!

I was able to work on and finish a few pages that I had started, which was a great accomplishment for me! I finally remembered to take some pictures of our work, so here we go! The first set are mine:

I always love working with Mom. It's just nice to be in the creative flow with someone else, and today we had an extra little helper!
The little guy was a great encourager, and keeper of the crafts :D
I'm not sure how Mom is so far in this book, she kept getting distracted by this handsome little face ;)
But really, her pages are AMAZING! Here are some of my favorites from Mom's book:

Also, I'd like to say hello to all of you who visited my site as a result of my Give Away over at So You Think You're Crafty! Please leave me a comment to let me know you were here!


  1. fellow sketchbook project palThursday, December 09, 2010 7:01:00 PM

    Kel...I'm here! I so love this sketchbook project and I love it because I did it with you...and Tucker...when he was still being knitted together in your womb and now, as a part of our creative process! Dad sits with me sometimes in the lower level when I work on my is fun to have someone close by and it is fun to take the book on your travels. The books have sure made complete trasformations from their "neat and narrow" book forms that they were, when we received them in August! Please leave MORE pics of your pages because they are AMAZING!!! I love love the one of "the first time tucker smiled at you!" It is so beautiful! And your "tv"! Must post!
    Well, thank you for today! You have helped me grow inspite of myself! You are a great teacher, a terrific mom, a helpful wife, a wonderful friend, a treasured daughter, a light...even in the brightest of days...I think you shine there most! Cannot wait until July 14-17th!!!...I'll be the one with the awesome leather bag! Speck so! Love you bunches my artsy gal! Love, mom

  2. Beautiful! What a great project and it is so fun you guys get to do it together!
