
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

studio space

When we first bought our home, we had 2 extra bedrooms, one was the guest room, and the other was my studio! I knew that one day my studio would become the nursery when we decided to start our family, and last summer that transformation took place.

I was more than happy to give up my personal studio to accommodate for our little one, and I even enjoy the memory as I sit in his room now. Since I still needed a place to work, we combined the guest room and my studio...and the Exersaucer and Johnny Jumper :) It's more than a bit cramped, but I still love it! :D I know it sounds weird, but it's still one of my favorite rooms!!!
Big A built me this wonderful storage unit for my supplies, which I also use as a work space. You can only see a bit of the cushion in the picture, but he also made up my stool!!! I really enjoy having everything organized, although it seems a bit messy here. I've found that I work well in organized chaos, and that I could find exactly what I was looking for!

I even use the closet space for some more of my storage. It has a window, and since I love natural light, I consider it to be part of the room :)

Now, I do work quite a bit at the dinning room table, as you can see in previous posts, but I like to be able to work downstairs when Big A is home. T-man and I don't like to miss out on the action! :)

Where do you do most of your work?!


  1. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog! So happy to "meet" you and see your lovely work! Looks like we are soul sisters! Ha! Have a great day...will be back soon! -D

  2. Oooh...and I forgot to mention that I LOVE your multi colored drawer thingy on wheels! Envy!! Are you willing to share where you got it?

  3. Awesome! It's a space, so keep enjoying it. I made a space for my supplies in the back of the garage. It is sort of sectioned off to itself, and I don't have to pick up everything every time I work, and I have a place for things to dry.
