
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Getting out there

Our local Border's is going out of business. I got some great moleskin sketchbooks for 40% off, and a table display for the art show this summer!!!

Two weekends ago, we met up with Mom, Dad, Kendall, Luke, and Pax at Borders since they had recently discounted the books even more! Upon arrival, I headed straight to the Arts section, where I found a small collection of graffiti books...and empty shelves :/...disappointment.

Then, I spotted Mom. She was huddled close to a shelf rapidly flipping through books. As I snuck up to scare her :) I saw the vast array of the exact books that I had been searching for!!!! The two of us stood there for an hour flipping through every mixed media/artist journal/crafting technique book that was left! Surprisingly, we narrowed it down to only 3, and this was my purchase:
It was the first book Mom handed to me when I walked up, and she proclaimed, "I think you could use this for the show this summer," and she was right! I am about a quarter of the way through it right now, and have made about a million margin notes!

Good news, what I'm doing is pretty much every thing she's suggested. However, there is SO much more that I can do!!! I'm working on this slowly because, seriously, I have a 7 month old :D I don't want to get too far ahead of myself! But, she does give great ideas!

These are some of the things that I am wanting to do:

*Grow my Etsy site (the silhouettes are the only thin listed right now :)
*Promote myself, get a clientele. I need to move beyond the wonderful family and friends who have been buying my products
*Create a website...if only I had the capability to design my own site...I can see it in my mind!
*Attend more art fairs, and maybe get my work in some more stores.
*My ultimate goal: To open a Studio/Gallery shop to teach classes and sell local art work!

Basically, I just need to get this thing off the ground! I have really enjoyed following many blogs of those of you who seem to have succeeded in these areas. I would LOVE your advice and suggestions!


  1. PS - I just figured out how to add cool icons for twitter, facebook, etsy, etc.!

  2. Not sure if you've tried looking for a good, cheap host for your website, but is suuuper easy to use and have a free option, along with many levels of paid website hosting options! Good Luck!
