
Saturday, March 19, 2011

My groove :)

T-man and I were sick for over 2 weeks :/ It was my first time being sick as a Mommy, and it was super hard, especially since the babe was sick too! We're feeling much better now, and back into our normal groove!

I'm not sure if it was just the lack of energy from the flu, or what, but for a while I was feeling, well, less than inspired. I think I was trying to for myself to create in a way that I'm not used to, and it backfired...until...
Da da da! It hit again! I'm not sure what it was, but I became completely inspired to create Wild Flowers!!!
I used left over scraps from previous projects,
and painted over an abstract piece that I was less than pleased with.
I had just picked up this gorgeous turquoise, and was thrilled to use it!!!
Ta-da!!! I love it!!!
I may add a bit more to it, but we'll see. I've got a second one in the works as well, but it's not quite done! Enjoy the flowers!


  1. Well, you continue to be an encouragement to me...I would still be standing in the studio ringing my hands about covering up the previous painting...I love your take charge attitude with your art! I love the turquoise color as well...very bright and cherry "wild flowers" speck so! My elementary art teacher would have been very proud! I too am proud of your enthusiasm and perseverence! I had sooooo much fun with you at Borders today...and the gang. I believe it was a God gift, that we would "stumble' upon our finds of such crafty books! I could not believe it! Dad and I searched that entire store just yesterday...I have been in there MANY times over the past few weeks and I NEVER saw those books...I believe God waited for this moment so we could share in it together! Kendall ran home and watched her to see her joy over a blast from the past! Well...keep creating! Love you! oxoxoxoxo mom/mops! I KNOW T-man will be an artist...or at least...a scrapbooker...maybe he can room with J-man! :D

  2. Love the artwork Kelly!

  3. I'm glad you are feeling better and I love the wild flowers! I love them even more that they're made from scraps! I just stumbled across your blog and love it- I've added a link from mine, check it out if you get a chance!
