
Thursday, April 28, 2011

A VERY special giveaway!!!

Last night I headed over to one of the Elementary Schools where my friend, Allie, works! We met while I was in Grad school, and I haven't seen her in a few years!!!
The elementary school put on the event, Empty Bowls. The students got to design and glaze a bisque fired bowl, and sell them to raise money to help hunger in their area.
There were so many to choose from, and these are the ones I bought!
This is the first one I picked up. It was made by Nate in Kindergarten!!! All the bowls are about 6 in. in diameter.
Each bowl came with a hand-made note thanking the receiver of the bowl for helping them fight hunger!!! *melt!* This one is from Wilson who is in the 3rd grade. The inside of the bowl is jet black with a beautiful green glaze. The 3rd graders glazed their bowls a specific color, then attached some sort of "sticker" and painted black over their color. When they removed their "sticker," their design showed through.
Regan, who is also in the 3rd grade, made this next bowl. The gorgeous blue color caught my eye from a few tables away!!! It's hard to see in the pictures, but she created a cloud design along the lower outside. It's beautiful! She also addressed her letter, "Dear Friend." *melt again!* Once I saw that, I had to get her bowl!!!
And I'm glad I did, because I am giving away Regan's bowl to a special friend!!!! I want Regan's bowl to go somewhere else, somewhere away from here for a bigger purpose. I want her bowl to go far away to remind others of the cause she worked so hard to create for.

In her letter she says, "Thank you for buying my bowl. You are helping to fight hunger in the community. We are trying to help people who are hungry. I hope you like and enjoy my bowl because I worked very hard on it. We had fun painting and making our bowls. I appreciate you buying this bowl and helping the community fight hunger."
My heart melted a million times at this event. 1. I so appreciated the letters that came with each of the bowls. 2. I loved the turn out of families and kids who were showing off their bowls. 3. I was saddened by the number of bowls left on the tables, and didn't want those kids to feel left out. I wanted to buy them all!!!

I plan on writing a thank you letter to each of the classes from which my bowls came from. I want to include where Regan's bowl is when I write to her, so that's where you come in!!!

Here's how you can enter to win this VERY SPECIAL bowl:

1. Leave me a comment telling me why you want to win this bowl. Where would you put it? What will you use it for? I want to share it with Regan!

2. For a second entry, Follow my blog!!!

3. For a third entry, Like my Facebook Page!!!

Please share this with others! I would like as many people as possible to know about this great project that these wonderful kids created to help others!!! I can't wait to send this bowl to one of my amazing blog friends!!!

***Remember, you don't have to have a blog to enter this giveaway!!! Simply choose the Anonymous option, then leave your name and email address with your comments!!!


  1. What a great idea! I would have wanted to buy all of the bowls too! I hope there weren't too many left. :( Sweet kids!

  2. I would love to have this bowl to share what Regan did with people who come into my home. I would put it in my kitchen and use it to serve my guests with! It would be a great conversation starter!

    It's really awesome that this school did this project! I have never heard of anyone doing something like that before!

  3. Love this! I want to win and I would use it to hold jewelery! :) Love this whole idea, so cool!!!

  4. The bowl is beautiful. I would put it in my living room. Its kind of a blue and black theme. It would be perfect.

    katietamblingson at yahoo dot com

  5. I follow your blog.

    katietamblingson at yahoo dot com

  6. How awesome! I would use the bowl for my daily Cheerio's so I can think (and pray) for the people affected by hunger. It would be a daily reminder of how blessed I am and how I can give back to those around me.

    I also follow you blog!

  7. Hi Kelly! Guess what?!? YOU were my 100th follower and I have a BIG surprise for you over at so I hope you go and check it out! :)

    I am so in love with the glazed bowls idea. I so want to mention this to our art teacher. What a wonderful idea!

    I would love to have one of the bowls. I would put it on display on one of my shelves and let it be a great conversation piece when company comes over.

  8. AND I liked your FB page. Have you ever heard of Berne, Indiana? It's about a hour northeast of you. My mom's entire family is from there...just curious. :)

  9. This i so cool! I would use it for stone and remind him every time how blessed we are for each meal and remind him the little things we can do to help others

  10. I would love to have this bowl to sit on my desk at school to collect change and then in turn give to my town's food bank when it opens back up in the fall.

  11. PS I am going to tell my principal about this idea

  12. These bowls are so amazing and the meaning behind them is priceless! What an amazing idea!

  13. and of course I already "like" your fb page!
