
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Welcome to the new Blue Blog!!! Thanks to my great friend, Amanda, who basically created everything, and then taught me how to use it, I am loving the new make over!!! Head over to her blog and tell her how great she did!

Please notice the tabs above! I will be spending more time creating them in more detail, but the basics are right there for now!!!

So, what do y'all think?!!! Please leave me a comment and let me know!!!

And, as previously promised, I will be hosting something big coming up pretty soon, so please keep checking back! I am SO excited, and I hope you will be too!!!


  1. Beautiful! Amanda did an awesome job! Love the zebra bars...look like my travel glasses that go with me in my purse! Ha! Great Blog! So excited about Thursday! I'm feeling creative and painty! Love, mom oxoxoxoxo

  2. Love it!!
    It's beautiful! Love the color combination!!
    Great job!

  3. Great job! I love the color combo. And instead of comments it says paint splatters. Love it!
