
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day weekend

Whew! I missed almost a whole week of blogging! :/ Anyways, I missed you guys, and it's good to be back! We had a great Mother's Day weekend! My sisters came up for the weekend, and to celebrate T-Man's dedication at church! It was a such a blessing to have everyone here!

Mom took a few pics of T, and they turned out AMAZING!!! I love them! We will definitely be framing a bunch of these!

I made an adorable card for my mom out of T's hand prints, but I forgot to take a picture of it! She's going to frame it, so I'll show you later! :D
My mom also made an amazing canvas for T's dedication!!! I was SO excited, because she branched out of her comfort zone and into the mixed media techniques that I work so much with! She wrote out the words to "Jesus Loves Me," and we will be hanging it in his room! ...again, no picture yet :/
But I do have pictures of this little guy!! Worth it, don't ya think?! ;)
Here's the whole fam (minus Zack, Stone, and Grandma) at church on Sunday!!! What a great day!!!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. He is so adorable! Can't wait to see pics of the canvas your mom made. Glad it was such a special day for you guys; I'll always treasure memories of Noah's dedication {even though the heat in the building wasn't working and we were all freezing!}

  2. Oh, that first photo is so so sweet!

    {I'm using my bag LOTS, thank you again!}

  3. I'm so glad you had such a great time!!
    Those photos are sooo sweet! Love them!
