
Monday, June 27, 2011

Fisher's Freedom Festival!!!

I can't fully describe to you how amazing this whole experience has been!!!  Like I've said before, I have always wanted to do an art's fair.  After experiencing my first one, I'm hooked!!!

So, wonder where I've been the last few weeks?!  Doing all of this!!!:

As soon as we got home from vacation, I went straight to work on finishing up a few final projects, and tying up loose ends.  I'm usually a procrastinator, then get super stressed out at the last minute, and end up in a hot mess of melt down.  Not this time!!!  I was easy and breezy :)

My ultimate plan unfolded as seen in my mind, and Big A helped me set up my booth mock up in the garage the morning of set up.  I actually made my first sale to a neighbor while it was up!
 That evening, with plans in hand, Big A, mom, dad and I headed to the park and got everything ready to go in nearly no time at all!!!
 And, ta-da!!! The finished booth!!!  Since the space next to me was empty, we eventually opened the left wall out to make the whole thing more open.  It was much nicer :)  I had a perfect booth space in the shade, facing north, so we never had any direct sunlight.  The weather was perfect!
 My whole family was there to support me!!!  The girls came up with their guys, and I loved getting to love on the boys!  Thanks for coming up to be there for me!  You guys rock! :D  LOVE you!
 My parents were an amazing help and encouragement through this whole journey!  Mom came all week to take care of T-man while Big A and I got ready for the weekend.  They were both there for practically the whole weekend with us, and Dad shared his muscles and his sweet tea at the booth.  I am so blessed to have family who just wants to be a part of my life!!!
 And, these guys :D  My adorable matching men!!!  Andy has always adored my passion, and as my "business manager" and partner ;)  helped me with all parts of this project!!!  T did amazing all weekend!  He follows in my footsteps as a people-watcher, so he was in his element :)
 And, of course, was thrilled to have his homies here, but I think they'll need a more extended play date in the near future :)
 I was thrilled at my over all success at the fair.  My favorite part is getting to know new people and learning about them!!! I love sharing the background of my artwork and knowing where it's new home is!  My peacock feather stuff sold like hot cakes!!! I think I only have one left!!!
 And, the aprons were a huge hit, too!!!
To see pictures from the whole weekend, click here!


  1. Good for you!!
    I'm so glad you had such a great time and got to sell so many things!!

  2. It was SO good to run into you guys this past weekend. Like I said - your booth was amazing, and I am so happy that you have the chance to do something you are so passionate about. Plus - everything looked pretty darn awesome! Keep up the good work...and I will keep up the blog stalking :)

  3. So glad it went well!
