
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Meet Ann:

This is Ann.  She is more commonly known on my blog as "Mom." :)
See the resemblance?! Yeah, we get that a lot :)  I don't just get my dashing good looks from her, but a lot of my creative juices as well!!!  Although never "classically" trained, she has always created beautiful works of art from doodles and birthday party decorations, to her most recent work of The Sketchbook Project!  I asked her a while ago if she would be interested in guest blogging here at TGITHBG about her greatest talent, and since I will be doing VBS all week, this turned out to be the perfect time!!!

For those of you who have met my mom, you have also probably received a letter from her.  The Lord has blessed her with an extremely wonderful gift of writing.  Along with this, he bundled up encouragement, compassion, truth, and love.

All my life I have received loving notes hidden in my desk at school, lunch box, on my bed, attached to "happies," and later in life, in care boxes and in the mail.  She has a way of filling each note with the warmth of a hug and the comfort of The Word.  On many occasions I have watched people come up to her and thank her for the wonderful blessing that her note had sent them.  I don't think you understand.  It's a Big Deal to receive a letter from Ann.  People love them. Save them. Talk about them.  It's her thing.

And guess what?!  She's going to share it all with you!!!

This week, Ann (mom) will be featuring a week long series entitled
The Art of the Handwritten Letter 

Here's a little preview of what's to come!!!

"Why a “handwritten” letter?  Technology has brought us so very far... But a handwritten letter, done from within the passion of my heart, is completely opposite of the descriptive words for mentioned (brief, quick, speedy)... The handwritten letter begins with a passion.  It is a passion to convey a thought, an emotion, an expression of the soul to the intended family member, friend, or in some cases, the perfect stranger.  Words are powerful and can influence a mood or outcome of any situation."

Join us this week to dip into the "lost art" that holds so much treasure!!!  Have you ever received a letter from Ann?  Please comment and share with us!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I have been the recipient of many 'Ann Letters' and they are ALL beautiful...
