
Monday, August 1, 2011

SBP 2012!

 One year ago today, Mom and I got together to celebrate the start of our first Sketchbook Project!  I was about 8 1/2 months pregnant with T-man, and couldn't wait to start this new project!  (Oh my, I have grand expectations!)  

 We're really big on traditions in our family, so, we met together today in Mom's new creative space to begin our 2012 project!  Mom chose the theme "Encyclopedia of" and I am tackling "Folds and Stitches."
We wore our t-shirts from our Chi-town trip, and added a little "get crafty" flair because, well, we're just cool like that ;)
 We gathered our supplies, and with the help of Elle, got to work on our books!
 I brought over my supplies in my grandpa's old tackle box.  When my Grandma passed away a few weeks ago, my dad brought this home for me.  I was so excited to use it because I knew Grandpa would love that I was using his box, and Grandma would love that I was filling it with art supplies!!!
 This year was a little different than last.  Last year, I jumped into this project with reckless abandon, painting pages, applying my cover-jabbering and giggling along the way.  Mom however, was a bit more hesitant.  She was nearly paralyzed by the looseness of the guidelines, and not sure of how to approach the blank pages.
As the project progressed, she warmed up and found her groove.  I slowed down as T-man got a little older, but we both finished with pride and excitement.
This year, Mom seemed to be a little more prepared :)  She had a clear idea for her first page, and dove right in!!!  Although all my ideas are in my mind, I seemed to only produce a random part of my to-do list! I painted my cover, a few pages, and made some bagels inspired by my lunch :)

 I also created a few pages with some stamps in preparation for journaling.  Feel free to upload these and use them for your own projects!!!

 It was a wonderful work day!  We listened to Adele, chatted about our ideas, and laughed!!!  Oh, it's so good to laugh!  I'll continue to update as pages progress!


  1. Awesome day! I had sooo much FUN!!! You are the ultimate encourager and supporter...until I try to go over my "letters" and you think it is the perfect time to erase! Ha! oh, well...that's how the "best" art can be created! tee hee. Seriously, I don't think it could have been a better day...unless we had 24 hours straight with no interuptions...but it was BIG FUN, speck so. Thanks to our hubbys who let us be and do. We are off to a grand start...I think it is my new digs! I LOVE your "bagels" they look so real...I had to go get a snack! Thanks Kel for taking this old gal out of the resort and giving her a new polish to brighten the day. Love you so! We looked "trendy" speck so! Love, mom oxoxoxo

  2. I love seeing what you guys create! Really, it amazes me. I am the girl who went to Hobby Lobby today to find a few little things to put in her freshly painted bathroom and was just COMPLETELY overwhelmed. I left with nothing. Oh well....I DO make a mean pan of brownies! :-)

  3. i think it's so cool that yall do this! i cant wait to see how they turn out!

    oh btw if you get a chance, would you mind going to to comment on our page? we're trying to win a contest and whoever has the most comments wins! thanks :)

  4. Ahhhh I miss you and your journals, Kelly! - A.Godbout
