
Monday, August 15, 2011

This and That

Happy Monday!  I thought I'd share a few of the things that went on this weekend! 
*I was able to work on a few more pages in my Chi-Town sketchbook:

*And, I got a great surprise when I came in to get T-man up this morning!!  This was SO cute!!!  Not only was he sitting up and talking, but he had set P-Twizzle, his stuffed pig, next to him!!!  I took a million pictures, of course, and sent one to Big A at his first day back at work!
*As previously mentioned, T's 1st birthday is this Saturday!  I started this weekend on a few of the projects, and let me just say, I'm really glad I did! ...This one Did Not work out! :/  Soooo, I'm glad I know, but I also have to figure out a plan B.  :)  Let's just hope that the cake doesn't end up like this! :) 
*Lastly, I got a great surprise yesterday!  I went to the library yesterday, and upon leaving thought I would take a few shots of the train tracks.  To my surprise, as i looked down the track, I saw that the Fair Train was parked outside the station due to the fair being canceled yesterday.  I was able to take a ton of shots of this gorgeous locomotive, and just wish Big A and T-man had been there with me.  We could have gotten some great shots of all of us!  Despite that, it was an amazing experience!!!

Check out all of the photos HERE, and be sure to "like" my page while you're there! :)
Also, if you have any cake decorating tips, be sure to leave them for me!!!  I'll be tackling that project on Thursday! :)


  1. WOW! Those are great things!!
    Any ideas for plan B??

  2. What are your plans for the cake?!! I just had my first ever success with fondant for Elliot's 4th and I had lots of fun making a 6-layer pastel rainbow cake for Farah's 1st. :) -Darcy

  3. Thanks, Darcy! I got a great marshmallow fondant recipe, but I've never done it before! Want to come over on Thursday?! :D I figured I'd just wing it, but I could use some tips on how to drape it over the cake once it's done!

  4. You can youtube most anything you want to see done with cake decorating. The marshmallow fondant is easy and tastes better than most. Good luck, have fun and can't wait to see the pics!

  5. Your sketchbook is amazing. I'm off to read some of your other posts. Just started following you on twitter.

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Enjoy of every minute of your little guy's first birthday party, such an exciting milestone!
