
Friday, November 25, 2011


Last weekend was my last art show of the year.  I was invited to it by Erica's Mom who puts it on each year.  Originally I didn't think I'd be able to make it, but after the Oktoberfest fiasco, I had tons of stock, and no where to sell it! :)

Mom and I got up and headed out at 4:15 with no expectations, except to have FUN!  It turned out to be just that!
 Each of the ladies who hosted a booth brought cookies for the fair-goers, and I really liked this personal touch!  It smelled amazing in there, too :)
 Our booth was in between Lynn's and Peggy's booths.  Peggy was sooooooo sweet, and actually taught Mom and I how to knit during the slower times!!!
 We were thrilled, to say the least, to have "mastered" a new craft, and can't wait to knit away!

 It was a wonderful day!  My new necklaces and prints sold like hot cakes! :)
 Thank you, Lynn, for inviting us, and Peggy for teaching us your craft!  We had a great time, and look forward to next year!
 And, of course, we bought our own knitting needles on the way home :)

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a fun day! :) Thanks for following my blog! :) Following you back! :) Erin
