
Monday, January 2, 2012

Custom Canvases

 We just got back from Louisiana, but with the business of the holidays, I haven't had a chance to show you some of my custom orders!!!

The Jolliffs are dear friends of ours who are leaving for the mission field.  Elizabeth wanted something for the boy's room (they have 3!)  Sam loves camo and he and Andrew love to be outdoors.  The stripes just matched their bedding.  This is one of my favorite canvases since I haven't done many boy's rooms...except T's ;)
 We had also seen this one on Pinterest, and she had to have it!!!  I will be so sad to not see those little faces anymore!  We'll miss you, Jolliffs!
 My friend, Erica's, mom is the one who invited me to participate in the recent art show that I did.  While we were there, she ordered a custom canvas for Eva's room!  You can see her adorable little face in the lower right hand corner!  She's an absolute doll, and Erica said she loved the art!
 I also got this custom order at the same fair.  I was pretty pumped to do this one, and had a great time with all of the John Deer paraphernalia.  I actually went in to our local John Deer store, obviously looking out of place, and asking, "Do y'all have any, like, catalogs that I could have?!" in what probably sounded to them like a Valley girl accent.  Luckily, there were some sweet guys behind the counter who were more than willing to help me, but with a slight snicker under their breath :/ I should have wore my work clothes in there :) 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly!!

    I love your work and would love to visit your booth one day at some festival. But seeing as we live many sates away I was wondering if you had an etsy account or a website with all the items that you make?! I love these canvases, would love to know sizes you do for what prices, etc. Just let me know! I also see how funny it is that our little men decided to wait til they were 15 months old to finally WALK!! :) I honestly thought I'd never see the day because my 3 year old daughter, daisy may started walking at 11 months old!! BOYS!

