
Monday, February 20, 2012

Up Next,

I am so excited to be preparing for my very first Craft Weekend!!!
Ladies will be bringing crafts that they don't have time to work on during the busyness of life, and enjoying some good old fashioned girl time!!!  I have been SO excited for this weekend!  I'll be super busy getting everything ready for our weekend! ...I'll keep you posted on my progress :)

In other news, I was given an ipad this weekend to borrow to prepare for using it during the worship service.  I loved using the Brushes program!!!  I played with it on a very basic level because I didn't venture into layers and all of that other good stuff.  I did, however, manage to get this out of it!!!
The music minister had asked me to create something to draw on the screen during the Lord's Supper on Sunday, so Saturday night (when I got the iPad), I came up with this!  It was actually pretty exciting to use my talent during the service, and can't wait to continue to play as the sermon series goes on!

Happy President's Day!


  1. I want to come to craft night!! ;)

  2. you are a breath of fresh air. have a great
    time with the girls! and you graphic - so good!

