
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Smash Baby Book

Hey! It's been a while, and I haven't shared my good news with you yet! We will be welcoming a baby GIRL to our family on Valentines Day! We are so excited! I have had SO many ideas rolling around in my head, hence my giant Pinterest Board, and this is one that most recently popped in!

I have been super fascinated by the whole Smash Book idea, and actually have 2 of the books already! I can't seem to help myself when at the craft stores, and am drawn to them like a moth to a flame!  When I saw their new Baby book, I thought, what a better way to make a baby book for her than to make a baby book for her!

After flipping through their Baby themed book, I decided that it really wasn't for me, and chose to go with the Retro theme instead.  I love the color palette, and a lot of the pages can be made to fit a baby book, in a quirky sort of way, of course! :)
As soon as T Man went down for his nap today, I cracked this thing open!!! I had so many ideas floating around (call it nesting, if you will :D), that I had to get started!!! I began painting the front cover, but since that isn't done yet, I'll save it for a later post!

Sorry this next photo is flipped! :/  I've got some of her ultrasound pics on the left, and the inside right side of the cover will have her name and her life verse :)

This next spread has the church bulletin from when we thought of her name!  We're not fully decided that this is her name, yet, but we both seem to love it!  It's a great story that I will share later, and I'm glad I kept the bulletin for her book! :)

This goofy little guy on the right will be covered up by a picture of her on the day she is born.  Under it it says, "You would protect this pretty face too."  LOL!  See, not a baby book, but fits in a quirky sort of way!  The left has spots for all of her birth info, and names of those who came to meet her!
I love this next page!  I added a clear envelope to put our hospital bracelets in, since T's are just floating around his book! I don't want them to get lost!  The rest of her ultrasound pics are on the right, and I can add other special hospital things into that pocket, too!

Here are a few more pockets, because, let's face it, we all have things and stuff that we love and don't want to loose!  I hope she'll put fun little items in these :)

And lastly, one of my favorite details!  My mom found this kit at a little stationary shop in Chicago during our Sketchbook Project Vaca.  It had a Library Card set in it!  Since they're basically extinct these days, we were falling over ourselves excited at this little treat!  I happened to find them when I was looking for something else today, so I added it to the last page of the book!!! :D  I have a date stamp, so I'm going to add today's date, my Sprinkle date, her birthday, and then let her fill in the rest!  SO fun!!!
I've had so much fun working on this book so far!  I can't wait to add pictures of her and T when she's born!  Once we pick her name and I make the front, I'll share as well! :)

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