
Monday, December 10, 2012

Paper Trees Tutorial

This year I am making all of T Man's teacher's Christmas gifts!  He has such wonderful women in his life who are coming along side of us to mold and shape him into the man he will be, and I am SO thankful for all of the love they shower on him!  He LOVES going to school and Bible study, and is just a little sponge!!!

Ok, onto the project!!!  This year, I made Christmas hangers for his Bible study teachers to hang in their home!  The best part was, I already had all of my supplies!!!
Here's what you'll need:
1. 11x14 canvas or canvas board.  8x10 would also be a good size!
2. Scrap paper!  I used pages from old wall paper books that my mom has.
3. Fabric scraps...I liked that there was a change in texture on the tree.
4. Mod Podge
5. Staple gun
6. Ribbon
7. Sharpie or paint pen
First, cut your paper/fabric into different sized strips.  Next, apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to your background paper, and attach it to your canvas.  Be sure to apply pressure all over for about a minute to work out any wrinkles or air bubbles that might occur.

Once your background is attached, lay our your fabric and paper scraps on top.  Your tree does not have to be a perfect triangle, or even go straight up!  The more you place your pieces a little "less perfect," the more whimsical it will look!!!  Once you like the placement, stick them on there with another layer of Mod Podge!  Don't forget to add your star at the top! :)

As a final touch, I added the family's name to the canvas to personalize it.  With or without this step makes these canvases a great holiday decoration!