
Wednesday, November 13, 2013


A few weeks back, I saw that iHanna had her Postcard Swap going on!!! The idea sounded fun to me, but, still, I didn't sign up.  Finally, when inspiration hit, I went to work!  I checked out a few details, and saw that I would need to create 10 postcards!

With little to no idea in mind, I went to work!  I began with 3 sheets of 9x12 watercolor paper.  I picked my color pallet, and just started painting.  Working on the 3 different papers gave me freedom to move around a bit.

I layered some of my "special papers" on top of the paint, including some gorgeous silver/gold handmade paper wrappings from Anthropologie...a total fav of mine!!!
 Once I was done, I cut each page into 4 pieces, creating my 12 postcards (leaving 2 extras!!!!- one for me, and one to most likely send to my mom!)
 I then moved on to my next step.  I knew from the beginning that I was going sew on these cards. I love the feel of the texture, and the interest that it adds to the layers!!!
 I continued sewing these today.  I needed a relaxing place to just think, let my mind wander, and my sewing machine just happened to be the spot!!!!
 I loved guiding the paper aimlessly through the machine and seeing the beautiful outcome of the stitched thread.  It really was exactly what I needed for my thoughts to wander free.  No rules. No stress. Just creating.

*And, in true Kel fashion, I didn't read all of the requirements for the Postcard Swap until the beginning stages of the sewing.  Turns out that I missed the deadline for the project by a DAY!!!  lol!!!  But, no worries!!! These beauts will be saved for her next swap in 6 months...or used in one of my journals if I can't wait that long! ;)


  1. Amazing Kelly! I can feel the texture in my mind...I know you know what I mean...especially the "special paper!" These are so very beautiful! You inspire more ways than just art! Thank you and thank you for sharing this creative notecard tutorial!

  2. I really love the added dimension of the stitching! I will have to try this! I have been hoarding some of those Anthro papers too!

  3. Your postcards are SOOOOO cool! I love everything about them: colors, stitching, little bits. Lovely!

  4. oh so pretty ! hopefully you get my name,hehehe

    hugs xo
