
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Elwood Colors and Cups!

For the 3rd year in a row, Elwood Community Schools has invited me to do a Colors n Cups party with their teachers!!!

Last night we painted Dandelions together, and had a blast!!! All of the paintings were gorgeous!!!
Even from painting the background, each painting became unique.  I love to see that :)

Deb Durm is the one who coordinates all of this each year, and does such a fantastic job!!! 
Last night, she even created a poem to go with her painting!!!

The Dandelion

White sweet nothings, 
Float above the grass, 
Propelled by the wind,
Or better still the sweet puff
Of a child's breath,
Fist crushing the green stem,
Eyes closed in concentration,
Doing his part to complete,
The cycle of the green.

-Deb Durm

So beautiful!  Deb is on the front row, third in from the right! 
Thank you, ladies!  See you again on Thursday! :D

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