
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Illustrated Faith

This summer has been a great break for me to get a chance to work in my journaling bible!!! I love documenting the truths that the Lord has shown me through using the talents he has given me!!!

I've actually made videos (which if you follow my Facebook page, you've seen) of each of the pages shown here!!! I've been really excited to create, share and teach through this whole process! 

This spread is to remind me of the VBS that Brittney and I decided to do for the sweet little preschools from our weekly Story Corner!!! Ironically, as we were "letting our lights shine," it was pouring all 3 days!!! 😂 but, these moms and kids were faithful, and The Lord "reigned" through it all! ( see what I did there 😉)

This flap page is one of my favorites!!! The heart is made up of bits and pieces glued together, but when the velum lays over it, it's one beautiful piece-just how God sees us through the blood of Christ!

Aaaah, the passage of John 1:40- "I will make you fishers of me." Not only T-man's life verse, but SO much to absorb!!! I heard some amazing teaching on this passage from a husband and wife team last year at Bible Study. I was so furiously writing everything down because it was just so good!!! Now I'm having to add tabs into my bible just to get all of that meat in there!!! I totally love this journaling card, though!!!
Be sure to follow my Facebook page to see more process videos!!!

1 comment:

  1. I found you. :) Love all the spreads in this post! So messy & colorful & brilliant! <3
