
Monday, August 17, 2015

He Won't Give Up on YOU!

It's good to be back in this Bible!!! I have been working in my Notetaker's Bible for a bit, and was missing my bigger bible! Not to mention, I thought I had LOST it!!! 😩

I was in complete panic mode when I went to work in it, and couldn't find it ANYWHERE!!! Thankfully, I had just left it at church after small group! Whew!

Our church has been doing a series on "FindingYour Way Back to God," through studying the parable of The Prodical Son.

For the longest time I really didn't like this story because I tended to relate to the "good" brother, and didnt think that that stupid brother who broke all the rules deserved a party AT ALL!!! (Anyone with me here?!). BUT, once I got more into life and realized that I, myself, didn't really make the best choices all the time, I saw this story completely differently! I had a NEED and a YEARNING for that grace that the Father (my Heavenly Father) so willingly threw at the "bad" son!!!

My most favorite part of this whole parable is Luke 15:20, "But, while he was still a long way off..."

Good grief, does that just sum me up!!! (Can I get an "Amen?!") I am still a LONG WAY OFF!!!

I have recently been feeling inadequate in pretty much all areas of my life. Nothing I do seems "good enough."  So, when I read God's words in Jeremiah 31:3, it just hugged my sad little heart!

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. I will build you up again..."

Well, Praise the Lord that He will Not give up on me!!! What a powerful truth!!!

I hope that if you have found yourself not where you want to be, or should be with the Lord, that you will take heart!!! He is eagerly waiting for you, even if you are "a long way off!!!

To see the whole process video, click the link below!