
Friday, August 13, 2010

first work day

Let the work begin! Mom and I worked on our sketchbooks today, and boy did the time fly!!!
Mom made an insert into her book with awesome pieces, and I got my cover on!

Now, what would make a productive work day more effective than a break for S'mores?! :D I know the picture isn't totally clear on the situation, so I will explain in further detail. I am ALWAYS cold. always. Pregnancy has apparently changed that for me.

You know on Father of the Bride 2, when the girls are so hot, and all of the men are wearing parkas? That is my house! Mom was FREEZING, and I felt no effects of the air conditioning!!!

Big A high fives me on this face because we have spent all of our married life arguing over the temperature of the house. The result being me wrapped in a blanket, how mom is in this picture below!
Anyways, back to work! Here are mom's tags that are inserted into Kendall's wedding invitation envelope, and then inserted into her book.
This is what I got done. Cover, check. Title piece, check. Back cover quote, check.
Isn't this fabulous?!
Here are mom's tags hanging from the envelope!!!
And my inside back cover.
At this point, we are totally consumed in thought and work by this project, and loving it! I am a little more at ease with my endeavors, taking on a "we'll just see what happens attitude," while mom is very thoughtful, intentional, and slightly more stressed-but still loving it!!!

I am so thankful to have someone around while I work. It makes the house not so quiet...all of that will change this weekend, though, with the arrival of new baby!!!!

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