
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

SB is here!!!

I have been waiting for this package, and it finally got here!!!
I knew it was going to be a smaller journal than I'm used to working, with, but I think it will be a great size for the amount of time I'll have to work on it!!!
Mom came over today, and brought her journal! She shares my excitement for her journal, and we're going to do this journey together...and by together, I mean at the same time...they'll look totally different!
As you can see, it didn't take me long to transform some part of my journal. After I ordered the red cover, I realized that I needed a bit more vibrant color...hence, the pink! I love it, and it's going to be so cool! :D
And, of course, I had a list :D Before the book got here, I had so many ideas floating around my head that I had to get them on paper! Now, work can begin! :D

Don't forget, it's not too late to sign up!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see it transform into your own. I can't post on your other blog, so yea for birthday's and braxton hicks:) It is interesting because after we had Sam birthday's, whether our own or someone else's, had new meaning and excitement. And of course, your own child's birthday is such a joy I think no matter what your age! Happy Birthday again, look forward to seeing Tucker... very soon. Oh and Good luck with the appointment, I'll hope for 3/50/-1:) hehe... from the OB nurse!!
