
Friday, April 22, 2011


Happy Friday!!! I am pleased to present you with another fabulous Give Away!!! It's a great way to end your week, right?! :D

Well, meet my friend, Meghan!
I LOVE this girl! I actually met her 3 years ago when she was a counselor at the camp that we took my students to! We met again a few months later at Gallery 116 where she worked, and I taught classes. If you know Meghan, you know that you just instantly fall in love with her!!! For a high school student, she was so mature, articulate, and just FUN!!! We became fast buddies!

Meghan is now a student at IU majoring in art therapy. She has started Outside the Lines which specializes in custom paintings and shoes, as well as jewelry.
Do you see that gorgeous green ring? It's one of my favorites!!! My mom has that ring, and it looks AMAZING!!!

I also own this pendant that she made me. I LOVE the funkiness of the wrapped wire, and I get so many compliments on it! It really spruces up a lot of my bland outfits.

Meghan also makes these amazing dry erase boards!!! I wish I had known her when I was in college because that would have been awesome on my door!!! Need a graduation gift? This would be PERFECT!!! I might even need this for my kitchen!!! Menus, To-Do lists... :D

Now, for what you can win!!!!

This 8x10 twisted wire painting could be YOURS by entering any of these ways:

1) (required) Leave me a comment telling me your favorite item(s) from Meghan's Etsy site.

2) For a second (and separate) entry, become a follower of The Girl in the Blue Glasses, or let me know if you already are.

3) For an extra 2 entries (both separate) post about this giveaway on your blog and facebook, and link back to here!

4) Become a fan of my Facebook Page

*** You do not have to have a blog to enter! Simply choose the Anonymous option when posting, and include your name and email address in your post!!!

*** Winner will be announced Monday morning!


  1. So cute! Your give-a-ways are so fun! I really love the rings! Something different but super cute!

  2. I am also a follower of your blog!!

  3. My favorite item is the dry erase board!! So cool!!!

  4. I like the dry erase board...much more fun than the boring black-framed one I have in my kitchen now :)

  5. I love the striped patina-washed painting! Fun little store!

  6. Ok. Now I've linked you on my facebook page!

  7. I am a follower on your blog and fb!

  8. Hi! Thanks for visiting & following One Artsy Mama! Nice to "meet" you too. :) I love your blog and am following you back! I agree, I think we have lots in common! Happy Easter!

  9. I looooooove the twisted rings. Maybe I'll suggest that to hubby as a Mother's Day gift...
