
Monday, April 25, 2011

Winner and a Makeover!!!

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great Easter weekend, celebrating our RISEN Lord!!!

T-man is getting over his RSV, so we didn't get to go to his first Easter Sunday :(, and we didn't even get to visit the Easter bunny!!! Oh, well. Since we were banned from The Resort because of our sickness, Big-A, T-man and I all got to have our own family Easter! :D

Now, onto the good stuff! The winner of Meghan's gorgeous canvas isssssssssssssss......
ERIN!!!! Congratulations!!! Email Meghan your address at!!!

And now, for a little wall makeover!!! The wall leading into our bedroom as been bare since we moved in. I've had some high hopes for it, but after some Great garage sale finds, I was able to finally transform it from this:
to this!:
(I apologize for the bad pictures. I took it last night, and there was no good light :/) I got all of those brand new picture frames at a garage sale for a great deal!! I filled them with favorite pictures, and wallllaaahhh!!

I've got some super cool tutorials to show you this week from this wall alone, and a few others as well!!! Happy Monday!!!


  1. Good job!
    Love how that wall turned out!!
    Can't wait to read those tutorials!!

  2. I can't believe I won! Yay!
    And I love your wall! I bought a bunch of frames a year ago, and they still sit in the box waiting for me to get it together!
