Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Hey, y'all! Meet Chloe from My New Life as a Housewife. Isn't she just as cute as a button?! I think so too :D

Chloe is one of my new blogger friends, and I have just so enjoyed getting to know her!!! You should follow her blog, she's pretty neat! One, she lives in Spain (awesome!), and 2, she has a ferret!!! His name is Stitch, how cool is that?!

Here's a little more about Chloe:
"I started crafting a long time ago. I've always loved crafts. Since I was a child. But I started making felt brooches about three years ago, when I finished my degree. I couldn't find a job and had a lot of free time, so crafting became one of my favorite hobbies. As well as blogging.

My (now) husband proposed, we bought a house, got married and the name of my blog became "My New Life as a Housewife". Because that's what I was. Although I was always trying to earn some money working as a private teacher, translator or photographer. Then I decided to open an Etsy shop, Chloe's Boutique, to sell some of my stuff: felt brooches, and prints of pictures I've taken during my trips. We really needed/need some extra money! And now I got a job as an English teacher! So I'm really busy nowadays... AlthoughI'm trying to find time to make more more felt items for my shop. Maybe headbands? What do you think? Well, hope you like my Etsy stuff!!"
Aren't these Tweety Bird Broaches adorable?! One of them can be YOURS!!!!
And, I'll even give you a few ways to enter! Here we go!

1. Swoop over to Chloe's Boutique. Take a gander at her beautiful work, and let us know what your favorite items are!

2. Become a follower of My New Life as a Housewife AND The Girl in the Blue Glasses (me!) ...or let me know if you already are (you can enter twice if you follow us both!)

3. Let me know what color broach you will choose if you win!

I will pick a winner on Monday morning! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. The broaches are beautiful! As is that poppy photo! Stunning!

    Lindy xxx

  2. Love the broaches... very cozy. But I also find delight in the photos of the Stone Bridge...reminds me of the bridge that was over a small creek at the private girls school I attended many moons ago. The g liked the cuban field photo...the car reminded him of the Packard car, he and g had...some 62 years THAT is many many moons...speck so!

  3. I followed Chloe on GFC and it lead me all the way here, so now I follow you too! You both have such sweet little worlds.

    I think the pink is just darling. But blue is cute too! Her 'Poppy Field' print has always been my favorite though!

    Yay for Giveaways! x

  4. Chloe's Poppy Field print is my favourite. Love it.

  5. I love the poppy fields!
