
Saturday, July 2, 2011


I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend!!!

"Why is she posting on a holiday weekend?" you're asking yourself.

Well, because I'm lame. ;) just kidding...sort of. I feel like I've been so busy recently, and my blogs have taken the back seat.  So, as I lay here on the couch, immobilized by the heat outside, I thought I'd update!...That, and no one has invited us to do anything, so yeah, lame :)

At the very end of the day, once facebook has been checked, all of my blogs stalked, and the news has finally come on tv, I like to wander into random online stores and look at little "happies" that I don't necessarily need, but think it would be fun to have!!! 

So, with that said, I thought I'd share some with you!!! ...and if you happened to want to purchase one or two for my upcoming birthday, I wouldn't be opposed ;)
This cutie patootie can be found over at Mod Cloth.  That blue! Those owls!  What fun!

Oh, the Non-Planner datebook by Keri Smith (found here)!  I've always wanted this! It just seems like so much fun, and let's face it, these days, if I don't write stuff down, it gets forgotten :)

This little gem is from Two Seaside Babes!!!  She was right across from me at the FFF, and I tried on one of these gorgeous hats!!! She makes them in tons of colors, but I think I would pick either the color in the picture, hot pink (#16), or teal (#30)!

And, I couldn't leave you without an adorable Babushka doll!!!  I'm not sure why, but I just love these little things!!!  When I visit my sisters in Louisville, one of my favorite stores to visit on Bardstown is Why Louisville!  They just have the quirkiest little gifts, and it's so much fun to see everything!!!

I hope you enjoy!  These little shops should give you tons of browsing pleasure!  Such adorable things at all places, yet still not all of my favorites!!! Oh, well! Enjoy, and don't forget to invite us to celebrate with you next year!  We're really fun at parties ;)