
Monday, July 4, 2011

DIY hutch makeover

 Beautiful hutch, right?! Right!!!  However, this gem isn't really getting much use right now in my parent's basement, so I helped my mom vamp it up!!!  Here's all you need!

1. A really good ruler...and someone who's keen on measurements :)
2. multiple pieces of foam board
3. fabric
4. double sided tape

Hancock's is really getting to know mom and I.  We hit a great sale and snagged our fabrics for less than a dollar a yard!!!  I think we left the joint with all of our fabrics (9 total) for around 8 dollars!!!  Don't you just love some gorgeous fabrics?! Us too!!! :D

After that, it's really very simple!  First, cut your foam board down to size.  Mom wanted 3 fabrics per shelf, so we measured the pieces to mimic the sizes of the windows on the hutch (I won't mention that I spent last night altering some ill-measured foam boards :/)

Next, put strips of double sided tape around the back edges of your foam board, like so:
 Gently pull your fabric (cut slightly larger than the foam board) over to the back and attach to the tape!
 Pretty easy, huh?!  Then, take down the corners of the fabric with tape, and you're done!!!

Set them in the back of your furniture piece, and ta-da!:

 Beautiful!!! :)

Mom chose to use this as her craft cabinet.  Great idea!!!  She displayed books, paint brushes, paint, and nearly everything she uses to create.  She even has room in the shelves on the bottom for the big stuff!!!

It really looks SO neat!!!!  Great job, mom, on a beautiful transformation!  Thanks for sharing!!! :)

I hope you all are having a great holiday weekend, and don't forget to check out some of my "happies" in the previous post!


  1. Thanks for posting, Kel. I hope others get inspired and have big fun like you and I did! Hancocks...and our lady...fabulous big fun! Maybe "craft night" should take a field trip there!
    Anyways...I have loved working around the basement/lower level today and tweeking all of my stuff to find a cozy spot and place just right for such a nick nack. I am just thrilled to have a finished project thanks to you! It is my HappySpot and I am forever grateful! Keep those ideas and projects coming! Love, mom

  2. Just bought a cheap old hutch, and I might have to try this out! Cute!
