
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hidden Treasure

My grandparent's house is a storehouse of lovely treasures!!! There are many a "lost" Christmas gifts purchased well before December, but forgotten about, just waiting to be found among cherished belongings held dear for many years.

Recently, I stumbled about an unexpected treasure in my Grandparent's room.

After inquiring about this unique double sided case, my Grandpa filled me in on it's purpose. During his years of running his own private practice of pediatric dentistry and being the Dean of Students at the IU Dental School, he used this box to hold his many slides for the presentations he was asked to do!

Now, that makes sense! The slides were easily accessible from both sides without having to "dig" for the desired group! After a great story about the slides, Grandpa graciously gave me the box!!!I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with it...just yet,but I knew I had to have that box!!! I do know that it will house wonderful special things and stuff :)

Any suggestions for what I could keep in here?!


  1. Here are some thoughts...This would be a perfect and unique way to display some of your art in future art shows. Also, if you have a craft class at your house, you could use it to hold all the items the students will need. It's clean, organized, and will save space! I love it!
