
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Clutch Giveaway!!!

True Random Number Generator 11 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Congratulations, Jessica from Jessica & Josh
email me at and send me your address!!!

Hey, lovies!!!  Happy Hump Day!!!  Guess what?!  Right after the FFF, I reached 100 followers on my Facebook fan page, and have now jumped up to 113!!!  That is SO exciting, and warrants a giveaway, don't ya think?!

Me too! :D  So, here is my "gift" to one of my wonderful followers...
 This adorable fabric clutch!!!  It's about 14 in. long and approximately 10 inches tall (I'm eyeballing this, people!).
 Check out the adorable details.  That button alone is awesome!!! The fabric is so great, as well!!!  If you're in my line of duty, this is the most perfect "Mommy Pouch" to put in your diaper bag!  It's big enough for your wallet, phone, lipstick, and anything else your heart desires!!!
AND THIS ISN'T ALL!!!!  The winner of this giveaway will not only receive this awesome clutch, but you will also receive a SURPRISE...from MOI!!!!!

I know, a surprise!  I LOVE surprises, and hope you are the same!!!!  Any guesses as to what it is?!

So, how do you win this bad boy?!  I'll tell you:

1. Follow me on Facebook, and leave a comment telling me that you do (or already do)

2. Follow my blog, and leave a comment telling me that you do (or already do)

3. Post about this on your blog,  and leave a comment telling me that you did

4. Post about this on Facebook, and leave a comment telling me that you did

 *I would love to reach 100 followers on my blog, so help me get there! :D

The winner will be picked by on Monday morning!!!


  1. ...and I already follow your blog too. :) Congrats on 100 followers, girl!

  2. I like ou on FB! Love the clutch! :)

  3. Hey Kelly! I have been following your blog (both blogs) for a while now! Love your creativity!

  4. Following your blog - LOVE the clutch!!!

  5. Hi Kelly!
    I'm a friend of Anna Darty Crowder and I know you through her! Our sons are actually 2 weeks apart so she kept me updated about you while we were both pregnant with our little bundle of joys! I also know kendall from her being in anna's wedding. So let me stop rambling now! I love your "2" blogs, but love this one because you inspire me as a stay at home mom with your creativity! I'm really not that good in that area, my hobby as SAHM is an EXTREME COUPONER! So I love your giveaway and am in love with cluthes, this one is so adorable, one big problem....I would so follow the rules but I do not have facebook anymore, my husband and I are not big fans anymore of it due to some circumstances in the past with people. So is there anyway to still let me enter in the contest? Maybe one day I will have a blog with my extreme couponing, as of right now I dont have the time to blog, take care of my almost 3 year old little girl, 10 mo. old son, husband and coupon 24/7!!! But I have shared your site with some of my family members :)

    -Kristin Hubbard

  6. Kristen,
    So nice to "meet" you!!! Don't you just love Anna?! She stayed at our house during Kendall's wedding, and we are so glad she and Ethan are moving closer!!!
    I will of course enter you in the giveaway!!! I would love to learn more about couponing, so feel free to share any tips you have ;)
    How neat that our boys are so close!!! Have you started planning his party?! T's is in the works :D
    Thanks for saying hi, and I hope you keep commenting! :D


  7. Hi Kelly!

    I follow you on facebook! And, I just signed up to follow your blog!! The clutch (like all your products) are A-DORABLE!


  8. You KNOW I'm your follower, at least on Facebook... I'm too low-tech to follow elsewhere! Love you!!

  9. Hi Kelly, I am friends with your sister Kendall, we met at Seminary. I follow your blog and also on facebook! Your stuff is so cute!

  10. I like you on fb.

  11. I'm your 70th follower. Wahoo.
