
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sock Monkey Babuskas!

You know how I love those Babushka dolls!  Oh, their little faces are just so cute!  They make me happy :D

Yesterday, I received a text from my mom who found these little guys!!!
HOW FUNNY!!!! I also love sock monkeys.  T's got a bunch in his room.  Again, something else that makes me happy :)  I think she found these at Target, so search for them if you're there! 

Oh, and have you entered my giveaway?!!!  Remember, you don't just get a clutch, you also get a SURPRISE!!!!  A double prize!!!  Tell your friends, shout it from the rooftops!!! :D

Happy Thursday.


  1. Thank you kelly for still entering me in your previous post!! My little man anthony has a sock monkey and he absolutely loves him, I love these too, saw them at target and am going back next week to get them, not a bad deal! I will hopefully have a blog within 6 months about being a SAHM and an extreme couponer, we'll see! We will miss ethan and anna alot, but I'm glad she has friends close to her where she'll live, its so scary moving somewhere where you dont know anyone!

  2. O my goodness! I cannot believe you added this to your post...I almost fell off my chair! Ha! Must be a slow day in the Smite household! Maybe these little nesting monkeys can swing over to your birthday party...did you say you would be turning 30 in August? you want brown sugar on your peaches? Just checking. Had a great time with you and Tman today.. he is advance...especially in foot functioning! Love you, mom oxoxoxoxoxo must go and work on Toodles' Doodles

  3. i like ur blog layout and i love the idea of sock monkey tehe so cute :)

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