
Friday, July 8, 2011

Smash Book!!!

Happy Friday!!!  Although, in my world, all the days pretty much just run together, so everyday feels like the weekend :D  Lucky, I know :)

Anyways, I had to share this with you!!!  I entered a giveaway to win this today, and thought it was just one of the neatest things!  You know my love for journals, so of course I loved this!  It's called a Smash Book!!!

What is a Smash Book?!  Well, this is what they say:

The book comes in various themes, based on the color of the binding, in which the pages in side reflect it through gorgeous pages to get those creative juices flowing!  Awesome!!!  Blank white pages can be daunting...
And, it even comes with a pen/glue stick!  One side pen, one side glue stick!!!!  AMAZ!

Look at all of these neat pages to work on!!!!

So, you should really watch this video to see how it all works.  You'll want to buy one!!! You'll finally have a place to put all of those random "things and stuff" that you want to keep, but don't know what to do with.  Anyone else?...just me?!  mmmm-K!

They also have a great blog, which I'm sure I'll spend way too much time browsing through... :) with more videos, examples, and inspirations!!!

They have tons of additional accessories in their store, at beautifully cheap prices to make your Smash Book even cooler!!!!

Super neat, huh?!!!  Just had to share with my lovies!!!  Which one would you get?!  What would you put in it?!!!


Also, if you haven't entered my GIVEAWAY, do it now!!!  Remember, a clutch AND a surprise!!! I know, I'm so kind ;)


  1. I love these! Have you seen them in person yet? They have them at archivers in castleton I was drooling over them.

  2. This is great. This smash book is great. People must buy this book. I will also buy this for me. Thanks for sharing this post.
