
Monday, July 11, 2011

weekend happenings

Thank you for everyone who entered the giveaway!!! Click here to see the winner!!!!
This weekend we started the first of what will be MANY birthday celebrations for T and his friends!!!  Lukey celebrated his 1st birthday on Saturday,  and we had a great time watching him enjoy his friends, presents, and cake! :)

Tucker wanted to give his something really special, so he made this growth chart!!!...I may have helped a bit ;)
 Luke's Dad, Adam, coaches football, and was thrilled with this gift!

 I've also been working on some projects for Courtney over at Klassical Keys!!! We met at my booth, and have become fast friends!!!  I'll give you more details in a while, but it was nice to work on some  mixed media again!!!!


  1. What a clever, thoughtful gift idea! Yeah!

    ♥ Cat brideblu

    ps. Thanks for linking up for my friday im in love linky :)

  2. kelly......we must get together and create. soon!

  3. LUV IT!! Looking forward to meeting up next week:)
