
Monday, September 19, 2011


Don't worry, I'm still here! Just been a tad busy!  T is moving around like a mad man...not walking....just doing his "wounded solider army crawl."  The kids moves pretty quickly, and stealth-fully...minus his grunts as he pulls himself along! lol  Big A has been working SO hard at work plus his internship and his responsibilities as Class Sponsor that we are cherishing all the family time we can get right now!!!

I attended Fisher's Art in the Park this weekend, and it shaped up to be a wonderful day!  The cold morning was keeping the viewers away for a while, but as the sun came out, so did the people! I saw many friends, and made tons of new ones!!! Pictures are to come.

I will be attending Fisher's Oktoberfest this coming weekend, so Mom is coming over to get in some good T time tomorrow so I can create a whole new supply! one day :/  Don't worry, I'm a fast worker!

For those of you who don't live close by, if you see something on the blog, but can't find it on Etsy, but you want it, just email me!  I'm sure I'll give you a price you can't refuse ;)

Anyways, that's about all for right now!  Anyone have any questions for me?  Anything you want to know?!!!  Just let me know!  (I know how this is going to go...*crickets...*  Just like my classroom when I asked junior highers this same question! LOL!)

Happy Tuesday!

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