
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

all done!

See! I'm still here!!!  I thought I'd share my last few shows!  Art in the Park was super fun and pretty successful!  I loved seeing good friends and new ones that I had met at the Freedom Festival!

 My booth was a little different, but I also had a few new items (like the notebooks shown below!  All covered in my artwork!)
 Since it was "Art" in the Park, I brought most of my paintings that I would have normally kept at home.  I sold a bunch of paintings, which was exciting for me!
Here are those custom notebooks!  Love them!  :)
 It was wonderful to see Barbie and Miles (above) again, and to get to see Jessica, Shawn and Grayson!!! 
 This last weekend was my last show of the year, which ended up being an epic fail :/  My parents were out of town, so it was just Big A, T and I to do the set up.  Well, it took quite a while getting the booth up with the wind, and a 13 month old.  About 5 minutes after A and T left, a huge gust of wind lifted my tent, and tipped over half of my display, ripping one of my oil paintings.
I ended up just packing up for the day after that :/  I'm fine with my decision because I knew that the wind would only continue to ruin more work as the day went on.  Sooooo, I'm just going to start building up for next year! :)

Got a few more projects I'll be working on, and hopefully be able to keep my blog updated!!!  LOL!  Thanks for stopping by!

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