
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

afternoon painting

 We've been living in our house for about 4 years now.  I love my house, but I am ready for a few slight changes to keep things feeling fresh.  After I finished the place mats, I decided that the painting in the kitchen needed a bit of an update.
 The colors are pretty, but I got very inspired by Mati Rose, and wanted to try to experiment with her style. So, the cover up began.
 I did leave some of the pieces of the original painting show through, but I also masked those pieces.
 It was nice to have my easel out and paint again.  I just LOVE to paint!!!  I've been playing around with abstract after my class I took last spring, and really hadn't done it in a while.  I think I was just in the zone because it all just kind of flowed!!! ...did I mention that I did all of this during T's nap time?!
 And, ta da!  The finished product!!!
 It goes really well with the orange piece bellow, and it's a nice compliment to the kitchen!!! 
Ahhh, to paint again!  :)


  1. love with this and you and i need a creative paint day.
    thanks for coming by the booth today. so so happy we finally
    got to meet, and that tucker! he had me at hello!

  2. I have just acquired a copy of the original from an Estate sale in California. Can you give me some information about it, please?
