
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Kelly Squared

This weekend, Courtney and I went to Chica Boutiqua, a local art fair made up of mostly Etsy sellers.  I was supposed to be a part of the show, but I didn't think I had enough art left, so I'm going to do it next year!  There were some amazing booths there, including my friend, Barbie, but I was actually super excited to meet Kelly Barton! person!  I taught with Kelly's brother, and we've emailed back and forth for a while now.  I actually recognized her art first!  I said, "oh, now this is my kind of stuff!" As I walked closer, I knew it was hers!!! :)  I bought one of her gorgeous prints, and I'll show you a picture once I get it framed and hung!
I also thought I'd share this little table cloth that I snagged at Goodwill a while back. At first I was afraid it was too "grandma-y," but I think I like it.  It's not out all the time, so for special occasions, it will be nice!
See-great details and colors!
Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. you make me smile. can't wait for a creative day!
    give that tucker a little squeeze for me.
