
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mustaches and Lips!

More Kellys!!! Last weekend, my roomie, Kelli,  from college came to visit!  We had a wonderful weekend, and it was topped off with chaperoning the Masquerade Ball at Andy's school!  I was in charge of doing the pictures, and I wanted everything to be more fun than just the "Prom pose."
So, I fashioned a few mustaches and kissy lips, attached them to some sticks from the backyard (I'm frugal, what can I say?!) and Voila!!!  The kids LOVED this!!!

I think their favorite part was getting to use the frames.  I had 3 of them, so they looked really cool in group shots.  I can't wait to do come up with more ideas for the next dance!!! :) 
We had a good time testing out the props as well, and I must say, we look pretty good :)


  1. These are the cutest pictures! Looks like fun!

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth
