
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Giveaway time!!!

 Y'all, I'm soooooooooooo excited to share this gift with you!!!!  My family fell in love with the movie, Julie and Julia, a few years ago.  My mom has since then perfected Julia's amazing Beef Burgeon on various special occasions! Let's just say it's more amazing than it even looks in the movie!!
 One lucky winner will be the owner of this fabulous cookbook just in time for the holidays!!!

Here's all you have to do:

1) (required) Leave me a comment telling me your favorite holiday tradition (Thanksgiving or Christmas).

2) For a second (and separate) entry, become a follower, or let me know if you already are.

3) For an extra 2 entries (both separate) Like me on Facebook, and repost about this either on your blog, twitter, or facebook!

If you do not have a blog, you can still enter!  Here's how:

1. Click on "Paint Splatters" below this post.  Type your entry in the box under "Post a Comment." *Be sure that leave your NAME and EMAIL address at the end of your entry so I can contact you if you win!!!

2. Below that box, choose "Anonymous" from the pull down box next to "Comment as."

3. Click "Post Comment" and voila! :)

The winner will be chosen on Friday Morning!


  1. Oh my gosh, are you SERIOUS!?! I would DIEEEE to win this book!!! That is one of my favorite movies of all time!!! AAAAAAH! Okay. My favorite holiday tradition is that every Christmas Eve, my mom makes a HUGE dinner and we invite all the friends and family over and sing Christmas songs and read the Christmas story from the Bible. Oh, I can't wait!!! :)

  2. I shared it on facebook, too! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway, Kelly!

  3. Oooo I have been dying for this book for a long time! I hope I win :)

  4. What a cute idea for the holidays!! One of my favorite Christmas traditions that I've recently began is watching a Charlie Brown Christmas on Christmas Eve. I just love the sincerity and the innocence of it.

  5. I blogged about your giveaway also!!

  6. When we were growing up, my parents always let us open one gift on Christmas Eve after the candlelight service. I always loved the quiet of Christmas Eve. It felt like a secret waiting to be told. The feeling of Christmas Eve is somehow even more electric to me than Christmas morning.

  7. I subscribe and I "like" you on Facebook. It would be way more fun to win this cookbook from your blog giveaway than to go out and buy it myself!!!

  8. What a fun blog Kelly!
    My favorite holiday tradition is putting up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving and wrapping presents while watching National Lampoons Christmas. I also truly love Starbucks' red coffee cups! :)

    Bridget Swinney-Kajzer
    I follow you on FB and Pinterest... but don't have blog.

  9. Favorite Holiday tradition is at christmas. My dad always makes banana bread but as kids we didn't like it so we make a cinnamon roll christmas tree, complete with green icing!

  10. Favorite holiday tradition is sending our CHristmas cards!


  11. Christmas morning we wake up and Grandma makes homemade cinnamon rolls.
    For gifts we get something we want, something we need, something to wear and something to read.

  12. Favorite holiday tradition....there's a lot! I LOVE Christmas morning with my kiddos and all the fun at the grandparents, but Christmas Eve is probably the best! We always eat birthday cake for Jesus, read the Christmas story, get on our cheesy, matching, mama made jammies and watch the Polar Express and drink Cocoa at the exact time they do in the movie!!! FUN TIMES!!! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway! J&J is one of our all time favs around here too! And that's a cookbook my gourmet chef hubs NEEDS!!! You'd help me have my gifting done for him! :)

  13. I'm your newest follower! (found you from Someday Crafts)

  14. My favorite Thanksgiving tradition was born 6 years ago. My beloved friends Karissa and Chris invited me to having Thanksgiving with them when they found out I would not be able to have Turkey Day with my family. I arrived at 5 pm on a Saturday after a 4+ hour drive, bringing tiramisu cheesecake and a couple selections of wine with me. The turkey was Chris's job, and should have been winding down as I was arriving. My darling Karissa was in charge of side dishes, leaving me with dessert. When I walked through Chris's door, the thawed Turkey Breast was in the sink, inside the wrapper. No sides were even on the counter. I was dumbfounded. They rushed to the store while I started the turkey. We ate the meal a course at a time, until the turkey was finally done at 10 pm. We stayed up far too late, drank all the wine, ate most of the tiramisu cheesecake and watched Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Now, every Thanksgiving, I have a slice of tiramisu cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory (not the same as homemade, but close enough), and as I sip wine, phone calls are traded, asking if the turkey is thawed, right around 9 pm local time.

    My friend Meigh Heyburn directed me to your blog because my passion for Julia Child is something about which I am very vocal, and I'm very grateful to her. I really enjoy your writings, and the idea that Julia Child's cook book could find a home with me, eases some of the homesickness I've experienced in moving 10+ hours away from my family this year. Thanks for the nostalgia, even if I don't win. :)

  15. I am now a proud follower of your blog! If you don't mind, I'd like to include you on my list of recommended blogs to follow.

    I forgot! On my last entry about tiramisu cheesecake and wine, I should have included that my name is Jess Denton, and my email is

  16. I liked you on Facebook. LOVE the discussions on there!

    Jess Denton

  17. I retweeted your giveaway information from my Twitter account.

    Jess Denton

  18. My favorite holiday tradition is cooking Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve then eat the leftovers on Christmas day!

  19. I liked you on Facebook!

  20. I shared your giveaway on Facebook here:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=291218764245327&id=1392606405

  21. I am now a proud follower of your blog! If you don't mind, I'd like to include you on my list of recommended blogs to follow. vintage Sunglasses

  22. I am now a proud follower of your blog! If you don't mind, I'd like to include you on my list of recommended blogs to follow.coque iphone 4
