
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Recent Colors n Cups

I'm starting to jump back in to the swing of things now that Livie is over 2 months old!!! I have already done 3 Colors and Cups parties!  The first one was for my friend, Katie's little girl, Ava, who was turning 7!!!  We decided on a little owl painting for the girls to do, and they turned out just SO cute!!!

These little gals were absolutely perfect during our painting session!  They were so quiet, with the occasional be-bop to a Justin Beiber song playing in the background!  They were so attentive to instruction, and had a great time!!!

Miss Ava is quite the little artist, and her mom even displayed her own paintings that she had been working on at home!!!

Aren't these just the perfect little party favors?!!!

Last week I got to return to Elwood High School for 2 painting sessions with the teachers of the district!!! They voted on 2 paintings that they wanted to create, so on Tuesday we created the heart, and Wednesday we painting the Spring Trees!!!!

They turned out so beautifully!!!!

This year, I was given this super awesome contraption that projected my painting up on the screen while I painted.  It really helped with such a large group! I felt like I was fulfilling my dream of having my own art TV show ;)  ...You know I'd be so good at that! :D

Aren't those just such beautiful Happy Trees?! (Yes, we did talk about Bob Ross quite a bit during this class :)  Everyone did such a great job, and put such personal touches on their canvases!!! 

Email me if you are interested in booking a party this Spring!  You can check out all of the painting options HERE!

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