
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Bible Journaling- My process

Here's a bit about my journey.  I must preface this by saying that I am almost always the free spirit, go with the flow, "Oh, come on, just try it! It will be FUN!" girl.  I am usually working along side my mom who is hugely gifted in her artistic and creative abilities, but is always needing the rules and the boxes to keep everything in.
With that said, this was Hard for me to start.  It's hard for me to create "on command," and truthfully, I didn't know where to begin.
So, I began with my favorite verse. And paint. :D I feel comfortable with paint, and ever since the Lord brought me this verse about a month or so ago, I feel like it is our family's verse! It's what I want all of our hearts to be about, and this just sums it up! Anyways, more on that later. 
I wrote, I played with the lettering, and then I tried this:
I had seen a few people on the Facebook page do a house, and I thought, Hmmmmm, I can do that! So, I whipped out my Crayola watercolors, and went to town! (* I placed something plastic between the two pages because watercolors will bleed!)

That picture is not complete, but I will be finishing up the details later!

Ok, so I mentioned my Mom earlier.  These are some of her first pages:

Aren't they AMAZING?!  This is right up her alley!  She so clearly and beautifully illustrates the images that the Lord brings to mind through the Holy Spirit, and effortlessly depicts them on her pages!

After listening to the sermon that Shanna played for us at the Illustrated Faith workshop on Colossians 3, I was really drawn to verse 12 that says, " Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."
He also spoke about being Transformed into our new life that has the qualities, and The Lord spoke to me about how wonderful it is that he always makes things new!!!
And, here is my page!
I felt a little bit more comfortable working with mixed media, but I am still trying to find my groove in this whole thing! I will keep pressing on, and hopefully make some videos of my process!

1 comment:

  1. Good post, but few of the pictures you shared in the post are not opening, can you please check them out and repost this blog? Thanks
