
Monday, March 23, 2015

Illustrated Faith

Hi, friends! I had to share about the most fantastic workshop that Mom and I went to this weekend!!! We had the joy and privileged of meeting and learning from Shanna Noel about Bible Journaling! I had run across this concept about a month ago, and as I was beginning to love the whole idea, I saw that Mare had invited Shanna to come to Indy!!!!
Whhaaaaaaatttt?! I couldn't even believe it because I feel like the cool stuff never comes here!!!

So anyways, what is this bible journaling I speak of?!  Oh, yes, of course. :D
You can check out all of the details at Illustrated Faith, especially the Questions page, but I will share the gist of it here with you :)

Illustrated Faith is about using the creativity that God has given you (even if you think you don't have any!!!- Yes, even YOU can do it!) to document what he is doing in your life IN His word!  By journaling, illustrating, or coloring next to or around the scripture you are not only allowing those truths to dwell on your heart, but leaving a legacy "to the next generation" of the amazing works that He is doing!!!

Yes, it's fun to use paints, pens, stickers and washi tape (oh, the washi tape!), but as in everything else, it is about GOD!!! It's a way to work through what the Holy Spirit is teaching you and remember the amazing things that God is doing for you and through you!!!

At the conference, Shanna gave her testimony and shared with us about how she began journaling in her bible. Next, she had us listen to a 15 minute sermon and take notes.  We were then given complete creative freedom to document what we had gotten out of the message!

We were able to try new materials, seek Shanna's knowledge and guidance, and get to know those around us!  At the end, each of us shared our pages.
You know what?  I later realized that each person held their page up for about 7 seconds, and then spoke the rest of the time about what GOD had spoke to them and how GOD was working in their lives at the moment!

How. Cool. Is. That?!!!!

So, thank you, Shanna, for investing in us, for being obedient and faithful to the Lord's calling, and for being so super fun and fantastic as to give us all this amazingly special treat!!!
Stay tuned to see more on my process and techniques that you might like to use!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it does look really good workshop and you along with your mom seems to enjoy it a lot. Thank you for sharing details about the workshop with us
